The Academy of Athens is the Greece’s first research foundation. The general and overarching objective of the Academy of Athens is the cultivation and advancement of the Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, along with the communication of the Foundation and its Members with other Academies and fellow Academicians. Professor Nikolaos Farntouris has been an elected Member of the Energy Committee of the Academy of Athens sice 2015.

EUROGAS is the energy association representing the European gas wholesale, retail and distribution sectors. Founded in 1990, its members are 43 companies and associations from 22 countries. Professor Nikolaos Farantouriς has been Chair of EUROGAS’ Legal Affairs Committee.

The European Commission is active in core policy areas such as Energy and Competition and is the starting point for the EU’s law-making process. Prof. N. Farantouris holds the EU Chair Jean Monnet on EU Law & Policies awarded by the EU with particular focus on EU law and regulation in the energy, competition and transport sectors.

University of Piraeus

The University of Piraeus, established in 1938, constitutes a highly innovative experience that has embodied European cooperation and integration in its main developmental objectives. Its strategy towards excellence has led to an active involvement in European research and educational programs and a commitment to strengthening its linkages with other International and European institutions.The Jean Monnet Chair on EU Law and Policies is affiliated with the University of Piraeus.

International MSc in Energy

In 2014 Professor N. Farantouris organized and was appointed Director of the MSc Program in Energy Strategy, Law & Economics at the Dept. of International & European Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece – the first and the most popular interdisciplinary Master’s in Greece and one of the few postgraduate programs in Europe devoted to Energy strategy, law & economics.The MSc in Energy is designed to prepare the next generation of interdisciplinary professionals seeking to obtain strong academic skills in order to pursue careers in the energy industry, shipping, international organizations, national and international oil & gas companies, renewables, government and regulatory authorities, the media, policy making institutes and think tanks, consulting houses, law firms, the diplomatic corps, etc.

Euro-Meditterean University

Prof. N.E. Farantouris is a member of the General Assembly of EMUNI. EMUNI and the Jean Monnet Chair on EU Law & Policies co-operate in the projects that follow the six priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean, especially on the fields of developing Study Programmes at Post-graduate level; preparing Seminars and Master/PhD courses with ECST; organising conferences and other joint events; developing and implementing Joint Research Projects.

LNG Forum

Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is an increasingly necessary energy source worldwide. It is expected that in the next decade 1/3 of natural gas consumption in Europe will be supplied by LNG. LNG Forum, founded by Prof. N. Farantouris under the aegis of the European Jean Monnet Chair on EU Energy Law & Policy, brings together academics and key industry specialists to discuss and analyse the legal, economic and geopolitical aspects of the LNG sector. The LNG Forum activities cover all areas pertaining to the latest and future developments in LNG on a local, EU and global level, with particular focus on South East Europe and Eastern Mediterranean:

ECSA’s primary objective is the study and research on EU law and integration, EU institutions and European governance. Prof. N. Farantouris has been the President of ECSA Greece.

European Centre of Economic & Financial Law

The European Centre of Economic and Financial Law (ECEFIL) aims at promoting scientific discourse in the areas of economic and financial law among experts in international, European and comparative law.